Warriors Helping Warriors (WHW) was established in 2013 with the goal of connecting veterans to resourcWarriors Helping Warriors (WHW) was established in 2013 with the goal of connecting veterans to resources. The Brian Conley Veterans Resiliency Center opened with the focus providing housing for homeless veterans.
I had spoken with the Deputy Director, Mindy Bacchus on several occasions and she stated that the Center is an educational, counseling and residential center for Veterans and their families to receive support while reintegrating back into society after active duty. It is located at 104 S. Broad St, Middletown, Delaware
- This location has been opened for five years
- The center has 2 housing location: One capable of housing 9 men and another capable of housing 3 men.
- There are currently 12 men transitioning. This year they’ve transitioned 48 people and since inception a total of 179 people
- There are several programs within the resource center:
- Wheels for Warriors
- Counselors in various health disciplines
- Transitioning housing center
- Resource Center
WHW is a key vendor in the annual “Stand Down” day. (Stand Down Day is a National Veterans Affair Initiative). This year it was held on September 20th at Schutte Park in Dover. It is an event focused to providing services to homeless veterans. The event provides food, clothing, haircuts and health screenings. Veterans also receive referrals for health care, housing solutions, employment, substance use treatment, mental health counseling and other essential services. This year I volunteered with WHW and seen first-hand how important the Stand Down initiative is to both homeless vets and struggling vets.
WHW provides resources to homeless vets every day. This organization is an excellent candidate for our annual donation program.
If you’re interested in getting involved go to their website: www.whwonline.org